Two months after the stronglift program.
Deep Squat 3x5x62.5 Kilo
Overhead press 5x5x40 Kilo
Deadlift 3x5x75 Kilo
Bench Press 5x5x60 Kilo
Push-ups until failure
5x5x60 Kilo denotes 5 sets of 5 repetitions of 60 Kilos weight. Warm up sets are not included.
It is quite an archivement for a 50 yr old. Bicep & tricep is already there. Now you should focus on those shoulder & chess. Just to make it broader a bit more to balance & tone up the whole thing. You should also cut down the body fat to below 20 at the moment but the ultimate target should be below 10 but that need a damn hard work my friend. I've trying to do that for more than 2 yrs but there to much good food here in Malaysia. Too difficult to resist. Hahaha ... Goodluck bro. p/s: I cant see yr abss though.. hehehehe
Thanks for your comment and advice. Actually this blog is meant for those 50 years and above, and in this age group you will not find many who are interested in weight lifting. For teenagers and those below 40, muscles are easier to come by, but for as grandpas, we have to work triple harder!I am following the stronglift program which stresses more on strength but not muscle definitions per se. Still, i hope my bodyfat will go below 20%, as the best that i've achieved was 17% 5 years ago. After that it was all downhill! Anyway thanks for dropping by.
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