In part 2, i explained that you need to cut down 500 calories a day. If your weight have stagnated over the years, that means calories in is equal to calories out. By reducing 500 calories from your normal diet a day, in seven days you would have reduced 3,500 calories less. 3,500 calories is equivalent to one pound (about half a kilo) of fat loss. Reducing a pound a week is the healthy way to diet and in one month you would have lost 4 pounds of fat. In theory the calculations are nice and perfect but in real life, the reductions are much less. Still, do not lose hope as a small reduction every month is better than nothing and eventually you will feel the difference. Your trousers will feel loose, your belt will come down a notch and your friends will comment on your new trim look.
But what if you want the weight to go down faster? Some tried the Atkins diet, zero carbohydrate and taking foods containing protein and fats only. No rice, fruits or vegetable, only meat, chicken and certain fish. The weight will come down fast but most are water loss. This diet is not natural, as you will always crave for the carbohydrate that you are used to, and you will feel miserable all the time. Ultimately I am sure they will forsake the diet soon enough.
Recent findings show that all these diets Atkins, South beach, cabbage soup, Anabolic and other 1001 names, will give the dieters the same result. It is all based on calories in and calories out.
Some friends complained that their weight doesn't go down even though they exercise every day. I would suggest they watch their diet after their daily exercise as one tend to eat much more after a session of profuse sweating. Normally an hour of moderate exercise will only burn 200 t0 300 calories but intake of food after exercise is usually more than that. In theory you would gain weight!
But what if you want the weight to go down faster? Some tried the Atkins diet, zero carbohydrate and taking foods containing protein and fats only. No rice, fruits or vegetable, only meat, chicken and certain fish. The weight will come down fast but most are water loss. This diet is not natural, as you will always crave for the carbohydrate that you are used to, and you will feel miserable all the time. Ultimately I am sure they will forsake the diet soon enough.
Recent findings show that all these diets Atkins, South beach, cabbage soup, Anabolic and other 1001 names, will give the dieters the same result. It is all based on calories in and calories out.
Some friends complained that their weight doesn't go down even though they exercise every day. I would suggest they watch their diet after their daily exercise as one tend to eat much more after a session of profuse sweating. Normally an hour of moderate exercise will only burn 200 t0 300 calories but intake of food after exercise is usually more than that. In theory you would gain weight!
Table below shows the calories burn during different activities
Calories Expended During Certain Activities:
ACTIVITY* | Calories expended in 30 minutes Male (175 lbs) | Calories expended in 30 minutes Female (135 lbs) |
Biking 12-13.9 mph (moderate effort) | 334 | 258 |
Circuit Training | 334 | 258 |
Stretching, hatha yoga | 167 | 129 |
Dancing - general | 188 | 145 |
Dancing - ballet, modern | 251 | 193 |
House Cleaning - vigorous (mop, wash car) | 188 | 145 |
House Cleaning - light (dusting, vacuuming) | 104 | 81 |
Playing w/ kids moderate - walk/run | 167 | 129 |
Gardening | 209 | 161 |
Mowing lawn - Hand mower | 251 | 193 |
Running - 6 mph | 418 | 322 |
Jogging | 292 | 225 |
Basketball - Game | 334 | 258 |
Children's Games | 209 | 161 |
Football | 334 | 258 |
Frisbee | 125 | 97 |
Horseback Riding | 167 | 129 |
Skating | 292 | 225 |
Soccer | 292 | 225 |
Softball/Baseball | 209 | 161 |
Tennis | 292 | 225 |
Hiking | 251 | 193 |
Walking - 4 mph, level surface | 167 | 129 |
Walking - leisure | 146 | 113 |
Canoeing/Rowing - moderate | 292 | 225 |
Kayaking | 209 | 161 |
Swimming laps freestyle - moderate | 334 |
So if you consume a bar of chocolate and a glass of teh tarik, (total about 500 calories), you need to swim moderately for one hour or walk two hours nonstop to even out the calories!
To fast track your weight loss, you have to make your body more efficient in burning fat. As explained earlier, the metabolic rate goes down as you get older. So how do you primed your metabolic rate to run using turbo mode? I'll explain in part 4. Stay tune.
To fast track your weight loss, you have to make your body more efficient in burning fat. As explained earlier, the metabolic rate goes down as you get older. So how do you primed your metabolic rate to run using turbo mode? I'll explain in part 4. Stay tune.
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