Friday, May 29, 2009

Ultramax Gold HGH

HGH products (Human Growth Hormone) have been around for a while. Ultramax gold is one the few products that has received favorable UNBIASED reviews.

It is a supplement that allows the body to release hormones - in this case, HGH. As our body ages past 40, hgh production drops dramatically. Proper diet, exercise and supplementing with a good HGH supplement will enable the body to produce more hgh hormones. HGH is generally released while you sleep, so this product is best taken at night before bed.

Taking a HGH supplement is generally not necessary if you are under age 30. Some studies have shown it may have limited ability in adults over 65.

Benefits of increased HGH include:

  • Increased energy
  • Increased muscle mass
  • Improved sleep
  • Better moods
  • Increased libido
  • Increases immune function
  • Increased bone density
  • Improved cardiac and lung functions
At the moment I am taking Ultramax Gold, ordered through the internet. Another good brand is Secretagogue gold. I have taken 5 sachet so far and i really feel good. I am jumping out of bed first thing in the morning and i feel energise throughout the day. There is no feeling of jitterness or any other side effects.

The only drawback(!) is that this product will burn a hole in your pocket. One sachet cost about Rm 6.50 (including shipping charges). It will cost more if you buy from GNC . I called GNC Sunway Pyramid asking them whether they stock Ultramax Gold and Secretagogue Gold. Yes folks, they have stock and the price are Rm 640 (22 sachets) and Rm 560 (30 sachets) respectively. Do your maths and figure out where is cheaper. There's a 20 % discount if you are a member of GNC.

A box containing 22 sachet (a month's supply) cost about Rm 145.00 including shipping (DHL) charges if you order from iHerbs. I am in the midst of ordering another HGH product i.e Secretagogue Gold from Swansons. I'll give another review later on.

Read another review HERE


Anonymous said...

I use the Dr. Max Powers HGH Spray - It works perfectly - just a warning that it takes about 5-7 days to really feel the effects (with the best effects coming on at about the 3 week and beyond). I found that the product works wonders with only 2 sprays twice per day (morning and evening) on a 12 week cycle (1-2 weeks off after this to allow your body to rebound and rest a little) - but your mileage may vary. ;o)

Personally, I do very intense weight training 3 times per week (Chest/Biceps, Back/Triceps, Legs/Shoulders - combined with cardio) and this has helped immensely in gaining strength in both concentric and eccentric lifts, over muscle growth (hypertrophy), and fast loss (works wonders for this). It also has many other good effects like increased vitality, increased skin elasticity and "glow", increased mental concentration, increased sex drive, etc. etc. - all the things we associate with "Youth". Basically, this product as close to real prescribed hGH that you can buy without a prescription.

I have tried other HGH sprays - not crazy about them, but i recommend the Dr. Max Powers . . you can find them at

Unknown said...

Hi there,

I live in Malaysia aswell. Did you have any problem with the product coming ito the country?

Are there issues with the supplement at customs?

Your advise would be greatful. You can email me at



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